Six-inch Mood Magnets for Status Visualization - Yellow Neutral
Product Description
Successful visual management systems give employees and supervisors the ability to discern a project's status at a glance. Instantly and effectively communicate your message with StoreSMART's Mood Magnets. Red can signify that a project is behind schedule, a goal has not been met, a task has not been accomplished, or that employees should stop performing a task.
- Use on magnetic dry erase boards, filing cabinets, and metal surfaces.
- Quick to swap and change, and designed to work with dry erase markers.
- Each magnet is 1" in diameter and a deluxe .036" thick. Our Mood Magnets are also strong enough to hold papers in place.
- Additional Mood Magnets are available in 2", 3", and 6" sizes, as well as variety packs.
- Proudly manufactured in the USA.
Successful visual management systems give employees and supervisors the ability to discern a project's status at a glance. Instantly and effectively communicate your message with StoreSMART's Mood Magnets. Yellow can signify that a project is on hold, a goal needs attention, or a task is in progress.
- Use on magnetic dry erase boards, filing cabinets, and metal surfaces.
- Quick to swap and change, and designed to work with dry erase markers.
- Each magnet is 6" in diameter and a deluxe .036" thick. Our Mood Magnets are also strong enough to hold papers in place.
- Additional Mood Magnets are available in 1", 2", and 3" sizes, as well as variety packs.
- Proudly manufactured in the USA.